Thursday, May 25, 2017

Day 5 continued

May 21 (cont.) -- One of our stops on the train was in Mannheim, so in honor of my dad, I took a picture of the railroad sign with a train in the background (unfortunately not a steam train though). I have no idea if the Mannheim Steamrollers actually have anything to do with the city of Mannheim.

When we arrived at the Berlin train station, we spent a solid, stressful hour at the ticket counter trying to figure out how to do trains cheaper than the original 850 euros (about 950 dollars) that they originally quoted for us. Thankfully, with some creative thinking and persistence through the ticket counter ladies' bruskness and, what seemed to us, anger, we found a price with which we could live for our next three train days and our day pass for the subways in Berlin. I don't know who was happier, the kids who were tired of sitting around or the adults, to leave that ticket counter. Little did we know that we would be right back there less than two days later for another frustrating round with the ticket counter ladies.

We took the train to the hostel and took the elevator up to our room. We never learned the history of the building, but it appeared to be an old insane asylum or an old hospital that had been renovated. It was really cool, with really high ceilings, big windows, and hundreds of rooms for guests. After dragging our suitcases after us all day, we were happy to know that they would be able to stay in the room on our "do the whole city of Berlin in one day" that we had planned for the next day.

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