Saturday, June 17, 2017

Day 31 I'm tired of Germany. We should leave.

June 16 -- We leave Germany and drive an hour and forty minutes to Salzburg, and what seems like from one minute to the next, we are in the mountains again, and not just any mountains: the Alps.

What do tourists do in Salzburg? Take a Sound of Music bike tour. It really is only for tourists because very few locals have even seen the movie or recognize any of the songs. The bike tour lasted 3.5 hours and took us past the sights from the movie that were filmed in Salzburg and not in a Hollywood studio. As we rode our bikes through town, our tour guide played the music from the movie. I couldn't help but wonder what the locals think about the bike tours riding past while singing "Do Re Mi" and trying to yodel "Lonely Goatherd."

The only hotel with availability that we could find in Salzburg was the Holiday Inn with just one double bed, so five of us are pretty squished into the small room, but we can do anything for three nights, right?

1 comment:

  1. How are you feeling now?

    You are having some interesting & amazing adventures!
